Masukkan ke keranjang bayar sekarang Boss Boss PSA 230S2 Power Adapter Was Now Rp 500.000 Sale Boss PSA230S2 is their newest 9V PowerAdapter for the Boss Stompbox Range.500ma of current to easily powermultiple pedals, even digital ones.I bought this after running out ofbattery on my DS-1 after about amonth. I read on forums that guys whoplay “a lot” had long battery life ontheir pedals, and that they got monthsof battery life. To that I say:Practise more! Seriously if youpractise a lot you want to save thebattery for situations like gigs orsomething. If you play a lot at home,I would recommend getting this withyour pedal. There isn’t much to reviewhere, it’s a power adapter and it doesits job, the only reason I haven’tgiven it 5 stars is something it can’treally help, and that is the fact thatSouth African 2 pin plugs weredesigned by evil sadists and I can’tgive five stars to something I swearat on a regular basis. Quantity Enter an amount Rp